Should You Upsize Or Downsize Your Storage Unit? Here’s How To Decide

9 min read

Now is the right time to make a decision about whether to increase or decrease the size of your storage unit. Self storage can be very useful in many situations. However, it is easy to lose track and forget where you are at all times.

Perhaps you have reached a stage in your life when you can travel abroad, but aren’t ready to give up all your possessions. Maybe your decision to downsize or upsize your unit was driven by financial reasons, the need for more space, or to make way for a new member in your family.

Although moving is the most common reason for renting a storage unit, there are other reasons. Here are some tips to help you determine if downsizing or upsizing is right for you.

Family Heirlooms

Many families have a long-standing tradition of passing on treasured furniture, artwork and personal belongings. Not only are family heirlooms sentimental, but they can also be used to connect the children with their grandparents through passing on stories.

The younger generation is now faced with new challenges and opportunities. Because of urban density and smaller homes, interior design sensibilities tend to favor minimalism. A self-storage unit is the best solution in these cases.

In today’s world that simplifies, declutters, and downsizes, it is important to be careful with family heirlooms. It’s worth looking at why family heirlooms aren’t being used in your home if they are stored elsewhere.

Talk to your children about whether you want to increase or decrease the size of your storage unit before making a decision.

Selling a House

We mentioned that the most common reason people use self storage is to move. Many baby boomers continue to move to smaller homes, and have many years of memories that they decide to store in self storage.

It is not always easy to coordinate the timing of selling a home and buying a new home. A house may sell quickly, but delays in new construction often create the need for temporary accommodation and a short-term storage solution.

Real estate agents often suggest hiding personal items in staging homes before you are forced to sell or buy a home. You can rent a temporary storage unit to store your entire household at any point during the home-selling process.

Traveling abroad

It is possible to travel abroad if you find it appealing and feasible. Now comes the important question: What to do with all of your stuff? Travel bloggers will advise you to sell everything and move on. Although it sounds very romantic, this may not be feasible or reasonable for all.

It can be overwhelming to think about dealing with a lifetime’s worth of stuff, including irreplaceable art, photos, jewelry, and jewelry. Then there are those things that you cannot sell or give away. The IRS, for example, requires that we keep tax documents and records for many years.

Don’t worry. You don’t have to worry about your belongings being safe and sound in a well-maintained storage unit while you travel the world. You can access your account online from anywhere you are as long as the facility offers online billing.

However, many people end up selling the majority of their possessions. This is a great idea. However, if you decide halfway through that you want less and more, you can increase the size of your unit at any point.

Storing for a Friend or Loved One

Most likely, your first experience renting a storage space was when you were in college. You probably shared the space with a friend. Students quickly realize that it is impossible to transport all of their belongings back and forth across the country for more than four years.

Parents often keep family heirlooms or keepsakes for their children as they grow up. Then, suddenly, your children are grown up. Perhaps you have offered to donate items to a friend or family member.

Invite your loved one along to help you take inventory of your storage units. Let them take a walk down memory lane to show them how simple it is to have their small storage units for the items they treasure most.

Greenbar Secure Storage allows you to upsize or downsize your storage unit.

Each person’s decision about whether to increase or decrease the size of their storage unit is different. Greenbar Secure Storage makes it easy for you to do this at any time.

Greenbar Secure Storage offers online reservation and bill-pay options, extended customer service hours, and professionally trained storage staff at all locations. Our friendly retail storage offices offer a large selection of packing boxes and packing supplies so that you can enjoy the convenience of one-stop shopping.

This post was written by a professional at Greenbar Secure Storage. Greenbar Secure Storage has a wide range of storage units available in Prineville, Oregon. They offer a variety, including ground-level access, security cameras, 24/7 accessibility, and parking spaces. Locally owned and operated, we are the best choice for convenient and clean self storage Bend Oregon region. All of our commercial storage clients accept deliveries from businesses.

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